Home > Research Opportunities > We Walk: Promoting regular outdoor walking after stroke

We Walk: Promoting regular outdoor walking after stroke

Funded by: The Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government

Location: Tayside, Fife, Lothian, Greater Glasgow & Clyde. People taking part in the study will be visited at home by a researcher.

Recruitment criteria:

Men and women are eligible to take part in the study if they:

  • have had a stroke
  • are over 18 years old
  • can walk outdoors (with or without a walking aid)
  • live at home

have no contraindications to increasing their walking

Recruitment contact:

Recruitment End Date: 28/02/2020

Researchers are developing a programme, called We Walk, to help people who have had a stroke to walk more outside.  We are looking for volunteers to test the programme, which involves working with a walking buddy (usually a family member or friend). Volunteers will be in the study for 12 weeks. You and your buddy will be asked to plan how to walk more and also keep a diary of your walking. A researcher will meet with you at home four times and will keep in touch by telephone.  Please contact Linda Irvine for more information.