Home > Research Opportunities > Virtual Elaborated Semantic Feature Analysis

Virtual Elaborated Semantic Feature Analysis

Funded by: City, University of London

Location: Online. We will use zoom.us for assessments and EVA Park for treatment

Recruitment criteria:

  • More than 4 months since their stroke
  • Experience problems finding words
  • Spoke English fluently before their stroke (English as a second language is fine)
  • Have no other medical conditions that could affect their language
  • Are willing to try new technologies, and have someone at home who can help with technical glitches
  • Recruitment contact:

    • Name: Niamh Devane, Speech and Language Therapist / Researcher City, University of London, Division of Language and Communication Science, School of Health Sciences
    • Email: Niamh.devane.1@city.ac.uk
    • Phone: 020 7040 8821

    Recruitment End Date: 01/10/2021

    Aphasia is caused by stroke. Aphasia makes communicating difficult.

    We have created EVA Park for people with aphasia. It is a virtual island on the internet. You access EVA Park using a computer. EVA Park is a safe communication environment to receive therapy. We want to see if therapy in EVA Park supports conversations.

    The VESFA therapy combines individual word finding therapy with conversation groups in a virtual online environment, EVA Park.

    We will compare people who have received the therapy with people who have no therapy. This way we can check that they wouldn’t have improved anyway. This study is a doctoral research project.

    Project video (2mins): https://youtu.be/I-gS3fJhSS8