Home > Research Opportunities > Research Project into App for self monitoring heart failure

Research Project into App for self monitoring heart failure

Funded by: University of Cambridge

Location: Scotland and England

Recruitment criteria:

  • Participants are chosen to take part in this study because they have the condition of interest
    (heart failure).
  • Taking part is entirely voluntary. Refusal to participate or withdrawal from this study will
    involve no penalty or loss, now or in the future.
  • The assessment will involve a set of questions, either online or over the phone (as
    preferred), taking approximately 5 minutes.

Recruitment contact:

  • Name: Ishbel Henderson, Researcher, University of Cambridge, Chemical Engineering
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 07808841824

Recruitment End Date: 15/05/2021

An investigation into whether an app accompanying the Heartfelt device would be beneficial. Heartfelt Technologies is a company who have developed a device to automatically monitor heart failure in the home, whilst fitting naturally around the patient’s lifestyle. This intends to reduce hospital re-admission rates from heart failure de-compensation.

The aim of this study is to investigate whether an app to accompany the Heartfelt device would be used, and if so, what value it would add. The study will be completed by June 2021. Answering a few questions will help Heartfelt Technologies have a better understanding of the needs of their desired patient group.

All data will be identified only by a code, with personal details kept in a locked file, on a secure computer, or within secured cloud storage with access only by the immediate research team. This link provides general information about how the university uses personal data https://www.information-compliance.admin.cam.ac.uk/data-protection/research-participant-data

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