Home > Research Opportunities > Fluency in Controlled Association, Convergent and Divergent Semantics: a study of semantic fluency tasks in adults who have aphasia and/or apraxia and those who do not.

Fluency in Controlled Association, Convergent and Divergent Semantics: a study of semantic fluency tasks in adults who have aphasia and/or apraxia and those who do not.

Funded by: No funding is required, the research is approved by York St. John University

Location: Online, over videocall on whichever platform the participant prefers (E.g. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype etc)

Recruitment criteria:

  • A diagnosis of ANY type of aphasia

E.g. expressive, fluent/ non fluent, Broca’s, Wernicke’s etc

  • English Speaking

Recruitment contact:

  • Name: Grace Quinn, York St John University, English Language and Linguistics
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 07740367495

Recruitment End Date: 22/03/2021

I am looking for participants to take part in my study of semantic fluency in people with aphasia. I am aiming to contact between 5 – 10 clients with a diagnosis of aphasia to complete a fifteen-minute study, in which you will be asked to do three simple tasks.

The study will take place over Zoom, the results will be written up, but your name will be anonymised. Your participation is voluntary, and you can stop at any time.

The study will increase the research into semantic fluency and the communication of people with aphasia through comparison with a group of non- aphasic individuals.