Home > Research Opportunities > Factors influencing participation in cardiac rehabilitation and exercise classes in stroke survivors

Factors influencing participation in cardiac rehabilitation and exercise classes in stroke survivors

Funded by: University of Nottingham

Location: Conducted online/remotely, via Microsoft Teams or telephone

Recruitment criteria:

Inclusion criteria…

    Previously been admitted to hospital with a stroke (all stroke severities)

  • Age – 18+ years at the time of the stroke
  • Participated in a cardiac rehabilitation programme or other exercise programme for stroke survivors, as part of their rehabilitation/recovery
  • Sufficient capacity to provide informed consent to participate in the study
  • Have a sufficient proficiency in English, to contribute towards data collection

Exclusion criteria…

  • Individuals suffering severe aphasia, as a result of their stroke, making it difficult to communicate effectively and hold a focussed conversation

Recruitment contact:

  • Name: Emma Martin, MSc Student, University of Nottingham, Division of Rheumatology, Orthopaedics and Dermatology
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 07983113494

Recruitment End Date: 22/06/2021

This research will be investigating the factors influencing your participation in exercise classes (cardiac rehabilitation or ANY similar class) post-stroke.

It will involve you taking part in a one-off interview (approximately 45 minutes), where we will be asking you about YOUR experiences. This interview will be conducted remotely… so you won’t even need to leave the comfort of your own home! As a thank you for your participation, all participants will be entered into a prize draw following completion of the interview.

We hope this research will help us to improve the rehabilitation experience amongst stroke survivors in the future.