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“From a health point of view I feel fitter, not just from a physical sense but mentally as well.”

We’re keeping up with our monthly spotlight on Walking Football Scotland Players of the Month! 

Walking football has had a massive impact on my life.

For September the Walking Football Scotland Women’s Player of the Month is Kat Crone! Kat, 59, plays with the Midlothian Ladies.

Walking Football Scotland Men’s Player of the Month is Gordon Fenton! Gordon, 64, plays with Ayr United.

Congratulations Kat and Gordon! They shared their reflections on what Walking Football means to them.

Why did you get involved in walking football?

Kat: “I had always been involved with football as my youngest son played and I was looking for a new exercise and way to get fit. I heard of walking football and decided to go along and give it a go. I have enjoyed it from the first night and never looked back.”

Gordon: “I had played football since primary school and played my last amateur game at the age of 53. A friend recommended walking football to me and to be honest I wasn’t sure about it. I went along to my first session and loved it, was a great feeling putting the gloves back on and getting involved in football again. You soon realise that competitive spirit never leaves you.”

What positive impact has walking football had on your life?

Kat: “Walking football has had a massive impact on my life. It has allowed me to gain confidence, enhance my physical/psychological wellbeing, become fitter, have fun and meet people I would never have met. My social life has improved, we travel to different areas, I have been abroad playing walking football. I train and play with the best ladies, we are a team on and off the pitch who support each other completely.”

Gordon: “I have met old football friends I hadn’t seen for years, also lots of new friends on and off the pitch.  Not just at the football but at social events held by the club. From a health point of view I feel fitter, not just from a physical sense but mentally as well. Although some will say as a goalkeeper you need to be a bit mental.”

What would you say to encourage others to come along?

Kat: “It may seem daunting trying to learn a new sport, go along and give it a go, the ladies are very welcoming and supportive from the beginner to experienced players. It will enhance your fitness level, have a laugh, leave feeling good and be good fun. Give it a go you’ve nothing to lose!”

Gordon: “It’s that old saying, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. I would certainly tell them to try it at least once, you might just enjoy it and get hooked as I did. Who would’ve thought you can still play football at a competitive level in your 60’s and beyond.”

Inspired? Find out more about our partnership with Walking Football Scotland. 

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