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News > “It is really enjoyable and a great way to switch off from work or the stresses of the day.” October Players of the Month

“It is really enjoyable and a great way to switch off from work or the stresses of the day.” October Players of the Month

We’re keeping up with our monthly spotlight on Walking Football Scotland Players of the Month! 

I went down to watch it one night and I was very surprised by the standard.

For October the Walking Football Scotland Women’s Player of the Month is Jenny Hammond! Jenny, 48, plays with Linlithgow Rose.

Walking Football Scotland Men’s Player of the Month is John Conroy! John, 68, plays with Dumbarton.

Congratulations Jenny and John! They shared their reflections on what Walking Football means to them.

Why did you get involved in walking football?

Jenny: “I played a bit of casual football when I was at college and really enjoyed it, so when our local club posted on social media that they were starting a Ladies section I thought I would go along and give it a try.  I had a great time at the first session and have continued to play and support the club as the Ladies section has grown from just two of us at the very first session, to over 30 regular players and 3 competitive teams.”

John: “I went down to watch it one night and I was very surprised by the standard. I loved playing and felt this would be a good chance to get fit and stay fit but it has given me a new set of friends and has made a huge difference in my life physically, mentally and socially.”

What positive impact has walking football had on your life?

Jenny: “It has been great to develop new skills, especially learning something new slightly later in life; the coaches have been really encouraging and I have gradually built my confidence and ability in playing.  It is really enjoyable and a great way to switch off from work or the stresses of the day. I regularly attend 3 sessions a week, playing alongside men and ladies of all ages and have met lots of new people and made some great friends through the club.”

John: “For me it has been an excellent way to improve my own mental health and reduce stress. Every time I step on the pitch, you soon forget about the stresses of the day and simply enjoy kicking a ball again.

It’s like being back playing when you were young!”

What would you say to encourage others to come along?

Jenny: “I would definitely say to give it a try!  Don’t worry if you haven’t played before or if you can’t commit to coming along every week. We have players of all abilities come along to our sessions and even those totally new to football get playing and get the hang of the matches surprisingly quickly.  Similarly, if you have played before and are not sure about the idea of football without the running, you will likely be surprised at just how challenging and enjoyable it can be.”

John: “Come along and try it! It’s great fun and you get to meet new friends!”

Inspired? Find out more about our partnership with Walking Football Scotland. 

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