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News > “It can be quite daunting starting something new but just go along once and I am sure you will feel great for it!” June Players of the Month

“It can be quite daunting starting something new but just go along once and I am sure you will feel great for it!” June Players of the Month

We’re keeping up with our monthly spotlight on Walking Football Scotland Players of the Month! 

It can be quite daunting starting something new, especially at our age but just go along once and I am sure you will feel great for it!

For June the Walking Football Scotland Women’s Player of the Month is Caroline McClelland! Caroline, 51, plays with Whitletts Victoria.

Walking Football Scotland Men’s Player of the Month is George Love! George, 76, plays with North Lanarkshire Council.

Congratulations Caroline and George! They shared their reflections on what Walking Football means to them.

Why did you get involved in walking football?

Caroline: “I have always loved watching football and when I was a kid I played in the park with the boys. Unfortunately, I never got the opportunity then to play for a team and I wasn’t confident enough when I left home to try and play for a women’s team. I thought I had missed my chance, then when I was 48 I got another opportunity when I heard of walking football. I loved it from day one, even though there was only 3 of us to begin with.”

George: “I played amateur football up until I was 52 years old and once I retired from work a friend asked me along to walking football. I thought I would give it a go and have never looked back since! I love it!”

What positive impact has walking football had on your life?

Caroline: “Walking football has had a huge positive impact on my life. Not only am I much more physically fit and healthier but I feel I have become a more confident and happier person. I have met so many new people who I would never have met without walking football. My social life has improved and I feel part of a fun and positive community. Although we all compete against each other in the leagues it’s not like that off the pitch. Everyone is friendly and supportive and just there to have good fun.”

George: “I think it’s a great way to get out the house and stay active as well as enjoy the many health and social benefits. I went for a hip operation and as soon as I got back to the ward I was desperate to start my recovery so I could get back playing. The consultant knew there would be no stopping me and encouraged me to get back playing the game I love.”

What would you say to encourage others to come along?

Caroline: “It can be quite daunting starting something new, especially at our age but just go along once and I am sure you will feel great for it! It doesn’t matter what level of fitness or experience you have, there is a level for everyone. You don’t have to be part of a competitive team, you can go along to training sessions and have a laugh. When you are distracted you don’t actually realise how much walking you are doing. We just want to have fun and I don’t think you should miss out.”

George: “Walking football is live changing and get’s you back playing! Come along, you will never regret it!”

Inspired? Find out more about our partnership with Walking Football Scotland. 

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