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News > Twins to Take on Scottish Half Marathon for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland 

Twins to Take on Scottish Half Marathon for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland 

Shannon and Leah Gardner will take on the 13.1 mile run in Edinburgh on Sunday August 18th after their dad Scott had a stroke in 2021. 

When the two 24-year-olds from Livingston set off next Sunday in the nation’s capital they will have the perfect motivation. 

Dad Scott was left with aphasia as a result of his stroke in 2021 and his two daughters have been inspired to take on a challenge to raise money for the charity that supported him in his recovery. Scott attended in-person CHSS Community Support Services sessions for people with aphasia after his stroke. 

Shannon said: “The charity is close to our family because of our dad and we both decided to start running at the beginning of the year and signed up to try and raise as much money as possible. 

“After dad’s stroke it was a really hard time because I didn’t know much in general about strokes or heard of anyone having one before dad. I didn’t know the effect it would have on him and the family. He was in hospital for a few months so it was quite hard to see him in that way.” 

Shannon added: “It was quite a difficult time for him but seeing the progress our dad has made since his stroke to now is remarkable.  

“It’s great to see how he’s doing now with the support he’s had from CHSS. It has really inspired the both of us to raise money for such a great cause and to show our appreciation for the charity and how proud we are of our dad. It will be nice to have family there and it will be added motivation on the day.” 

Stephanie Wilks, Community, Events and Corporate Fundraiser for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland said: “We wish Shannon and Leah all the best for Sunday’s half marathon and we’re pleased to see the charity still holds a special place in their hearts.  

“The funds raised will help us to support the 1 in 5 people across the country who are living with chest, heart and stroke conditions and Long Covid to live their lives to the full.”   

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland is committed to reaching 175,000 people living with its conditions across Scotland a year by 2028 through its Community Healthcare Support Services.  

To support Shannon and Leah’s fundraiser please go to 

If you’re living with the effects of a chest, heart or stroke condition or Long Covid and looking for advice and information, please contact Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland’s Advice Line on 0808 801 0899. You can also text NURSE to 66777 or email 


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