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News > Health Defence team in Maryhil

Health Defence team in Maryhil

What Matters to You? šŸ¤”

Our Health Defence team in Maryhill would love to hear from you. Share you thoughts in our short survey.

Our trained team are here to have a chat about what matters most to you about your health and help you live a healthier life and make positive changes to your health. We aim to help the local community live a healthier life. šŸƒšŸ‘ŸšŸŒž

Based at the Maryhill Hub in Wyndford, we provide free health checks, one to one health appointments, group support and physical activities. We can help you identify what matters to you and work with you to achieve realistic health goals. Including:
ā­ Free Health and Wellbeing Advice and Information
ā­ Free Health Checks
ā­ Free Specialist Physical activity support
ā­ Weekly Health Walks and regular activities

March will see the first monthly Health at the Hub session. A chance to come together to share hints and tips to live a happy, healthy life! Sessions will run on the First Wednesday of every Month, 10:30ā€“12:30 at the Maryhill Hub. Event details.

Pop in for a cuppa and a chat and find out more about how we can support you to live life to the full! ā˜•ļø

Get in touch by phone or text on 07827 094 891 or email

People are leaving hospital feeling scared and alone. You can change that.

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