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News > Edinburgh University Student Puts Her Running Shoes on for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Edinburgh University Student Puts Her Running Shoes on for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Jemima Harrison will take on the Scottish Half Marathon in Edinburgh on Sunday 18th August.

When the 22-year-old takes on the gruelling 13.1 mile run she will be doing it for her grandfather, Brian Harrison, who died earlier this year.

Jemima, who studies architecture at Edinburgh University, said: “I’ve wanted to run it for a while and never got around to it because I don’t really run! But in March my grandfather passed away from pulmonary fibrosis so I thought it was a good cause to raise money for.

“It’s a scarring to the lung and it’s not very treatable. He was in his mid-80’s and he got it as a result of a car accident about a decade ago and it just kept creeping up. It’s not something they can cure, they can just help with the symptoms.

“I was quite close to him and he kept himself healthy as he was a pharmacist it was just unfortunate he got pulmonary fibrosis.

“10 years ago my other grandfather passed away from a lung disease and the charity has been recommended at both funerals so I’m aware of what CHSS does.”

Stephanie Wilks, Community Event and Corporate Fundraiser at Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, said: “On behalf of CHSS we would like to thank Jemima for taking on this challenging race for us and wish her all the best.

“CHSS supports the one in five people in Scotland who are living with chest, heart and stroke conditions and long covid to live life to the full. Fundraisers like Jemima’s help us to provide support services in the community to allow people to better manage their conditions and stay healthy.”

To donate to Jemima’s fundraiser please go to: Jemima Harrison is fundraising for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (

To find out more about fundraising for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland visit

If you’re living with the effects of heart disease and stroke and looking for advice and information, please contact Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland’s Advice Line on 0808 801 0899. You can also text NURSE to 66777 or email

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