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Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland Stalwart Recognised for Volunteering Service

Dr Roger Smith was recognised for his 40 years of service during the 40th anniversary of Volunteers’ Week.

The 81-year-old was presented with a gift to mark his 40 years with Scotland’s largest health charity at the third Volunteer Appreciation Event of the year, which took place in Edinburgh. The day allows CHSS to thank selfless volunteers like Roger for everything they do for the charity.

Dr Roger said: “I didn’t know I would spend a lifetime involved with this charity, but I’m very glad I have.”

A former chair of the board of trustees at CHSS, Roger’s involvement with the organisation began in the early 1980’s when he was then a senior lecturer in geriatric care at the City Hospital in Edinburgh.

He sat on the charity’s then-council for almost 30 years before becoming chairman in 2013.

His five-year chairmanship saw an overhaul of the charity and a refocus on post-hospital care, which has since become the overarching strategy of No Life Half Lived.

After stepping down as a chair in 2018, Roger has continued to give his time to CHSS by volunteering in the charity’s Morningside store.

He said: “Just before Covid-19 struck, I took some clothes into the Morningside shop in Edinburgh and was met by Christine Ferguson, who is a long-time volunteer and force of nature. That was it. I was signed up for Wednesday mornings.

“Obviously my time in the shop was interrupted by Covid when all stores were closed. And, unfortunately, the shop suffered a serious fire recently and is currently closed, but I’ll be back when the premises are ready. It’s such a great team at Morningside and so good to be part of.

“When I was chairman, one of the best parts of the job was getting out to meet people in our shops and in the peer support groups. I’d often pop into a CHSS shop if I was on holiday, just to say hello.

“It’s like being part of a wonderful extended family, and it’s been my privilege and pleasure to be part of this lovely organisation for so long.”

Jane-Claire Judson, the Chief Executive of Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland said: “On behalf of everyone at CHSS I want to express our tremendous gratitude to Roger for 40 years of volunteering with us.

“Roger has held numerous roles from vice chair to chair and as a retail volunteer with CHSS and has played important roles on taking the charity forward.

“I also want to say a huge thank you to all our volunteers.”

To find out more about volunteering opportunities with Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland please go to Volunteering – Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (

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