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Unraveling the Mystery of Stroke Disease – The Clue’s in the Numbers…

A public lecture by Professor Peter Sandercock on 6 November 2014. Peter will look at recent research studies and evidence that have directed the current care and treatment for stroke…

Think FAST! Know the symptoms of stroke

ThinkFAST.org.uk Suspect a stroke? Think FAST! The main aim of the FAST campaign is to help people recognise the symptoms of a stroke – and to Think FAST! With over…

Online resource for carers – Stroke4Carers.org

stroke4carers.org was developed in collaboration with CHSS, National Advisory Committee for Stroke, University of Edinburgh and Big Lottery Fund Scotland, to set up a free online website specifically for unpaid carers…

HEARTe E-learning resource launched

We are delighted to announce the launch of a new E-learning resource! Heart Education Awareness Resource and Training through E-learning (HEARTe) is an innovative new online resource which combines interactive…

Charter for people living with stroke in Scotland

Charter for people living with stroke in Scotland We are delighted to announce the launch of the stroke Charter for people living with stroke in Scotland. This Charter is for…