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Health Defence Blog

Welcome to the Health Defence Blog - a blog about health, wellness and a healthier you. Brought to you by the Health Defence team at Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, you'll find up-to-date information on a range of topics from what's in your food to the latest advice on e-cigarettes!


Guest blogger: Jude Misson, CHSS Health Information Manager

February 14, 2016

Work hard, play hard? The low-down on alcohol

How many drinks do you have a week? And what on earth is a unit of alcohol? Here, Jude Misson, Health Information Manager at CHSS, separates fact from fiction: In…


Megan - Health Promotion Specialist

February 12, 2016

Introducing the Live Better Blog!

Welcome to the Live Better Blog! A blog about health, wellness and tips for achieving a healthier you. Each month we’ll cover a range of topics to help identify ways…

***Disclaimer: always seek medical advice before starting a new diet, exercise regime or medication. The information in these articles is not a substitute for professional advice from a GP, registered dietitian or other health practitioner.

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