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Health Defence Blog

Welcome to the Health Defence Blog - a blog about health, wellness and a healthier you. Brought to you by the Health Defence team at Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, you'll find up-to-date information on a range of topics from what's in your food to the latest advice on e-cigarettes!


Megan - Health Promotion Specialist

December 3, 2017

The Christmas party survival guide!

Eat, drink and be merry they say! But surviving the party season without endless sair heids and an expanding waistline takes some forward planning. This is your Christmas party survival…


Megan - Health Promotion Specialist

November 12, 2017

Things that lurk at work – staying well over winter

With winter comes a whole array of yucky bugs, colds and flu. And having a long-term illness such as a chest, heart or stroke condition puts you at greater risk…


Megan - Health Promotion Specialist

October 22, 2017

10 healthy takeaways near your office!

If you work in the city, chances are that at least a couple of meals per week are from the local takeaway shops around you. Working late and eating healthily…


Megan - Health Promotion Specialist

September 10, 2017

Is your morning coffee making you fat?

If you’re like me, coffee is an enjoyable part of your work day. Walking past the coffee-shop on the way to work, the smell of freshly brewed coffee is so…


Megan - Health Promotion Specialist

August 20, 2017

Would you trust your colleagues to save YOUR life?

We spend much of our lives at work and with our colleagues. But are your colleagues trained in CPR if the unthinkable should happen? Approximately 3,500 people undergo attempted resuscitation each…


Megan - Health Promotion Specialist

July 23, 2017

Do you know what your “heart age” is?

Ever wondered what the ‘age’ of your heart is? There are a lot of factors to consider when assessing how healthy your heart is – the quick and easy ‘Heart…


Megan - Health Promotion Specialist

June 26, 2017

Top 10 Healthy Snacks For Your Desk Drawer!

3pm in the office after a long day and the vending machine is looking more and more appealing…Snacking can be part of a healthy eating plan, but being mindful of…

***Disclaimer: always seek medical advice before starting a new diet, exercise regime or medication. The information in these articles is not a substitute for professional advice from a GP, registered dietitian or other health practitioner.

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