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Home > Health Defence Blog > Do you know what your “heart age” is?
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Welcome to the Health Defence Blog - a blog about health, wellness and a healthier you. Brought to you by the Health Defence team at Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, you'll find up-to-date information on a range of topics from what's in your food to the latest advice on e-cigarettes!


Megan - Health Promotion Specialist

July 23, 2017

Ever wondered what the ‘age’ of your heart is? There are a lot of factors to consider when assessing how healthy your heart is – the quick and easy ‘Heart Age’ tool can help to highlight any areas of concern and provide information on how to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Keep your heart as healthy as you can and take this test today! Your ‘Heart Age’ is generated using the online NHS ‘Heart Age Calculator’. It helps to give you an idea about how healthy your heart is and if your heart age is older than your real age. If your heart age is older, it is important that you take steps to live a healthier life, for longer.

The Heart Age Calculator will ask you questions about:

  • Your age and gender
  • Your ethnicity and where you live (certain parts of the UK have better heart health than others)
  • Your health status including heart health, diabetes and kidney disease
  • Smoking status
  • Your weight and height (to work out your BMI or body mass index)
  • Family history
  • Cholesterol and blood pressure levels

Calculate your ‘Heart Age’ here (note: links to NHS Choices)*

Please note that this simple assessment is intended as a guide only and is used to raise awareness of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

If you have any concerns about your result, please phone the CHSS Advice Line Nurses on Freephone 0808 801 0899 or contact your own GP.

Support to live a healthier lifestyle 

For further information on how to live a healthier lifestyle and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease,  check out the following CHSS factsheets:

*Credit: Heart Age Tool,  NHS Choices.

***Disclaimer: always seek medical advice before starting a new diet, exercise regime or medication. The information in these articles is not a substitute for professional advice from a GP, registered dietitian or other health practitioner.

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