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Group Type: Stroke, Peer Support Groups

Step Ahead

Get in touch

RGU Sport, Garthdee Road, Garthdee, Aberdeen, AB10 7GE

Step Ahead

Location RGU Sport, Garthdee Road, Garthdee, Aberdeen, AB10 7GE
Time Meet every Tuesday and Wednesday (10.15am to 11.15am and 11.30am to 12.30pm)
Activities Exercise after stroke group providing four sessions per week
Membership Open to people who have had a stroke, and to their family/carers
Exercise Yes
Outings Yes
Social Yes
Fundraising Yes
Group Type Stroke, Peer Support Groups, Stroke

Step Ahead

RGU Sport, Garthdee Road, Garthdee, Aberdeen, AB10 7GE

Area: Grampian, Aberdeenshire

Group type: Stroke, Peer Support Groups

Peer Support Group Enquiry

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